Conversion ID 801941580 Conversion label 1vQBCIDzmdcBEMzQsv4C

Pool Joy!

Deep and meaningful ... kept a warm 30 degrees C in Summer, a cool 15 degrees C over Winter: 17m x 3m x 1.7m - How many laps can Y O U do before breakfast??? And the spa pool? 41 degrees C all year...


Relax poolside on our beautiful DEDON loungers or ORBIT Loveseat...  Or snug midwinter in our hydro-massage spa pool.   The views are simply to live for.  

Catch a few rays after a gentle lunch in the village or our about the island.  

Come back after dark and with the lights out enjoy the near-Black Sky-views of the Milky Way directly above and scan our everchanging Heavens for satellites and meteors. 

Pool Joy...!!!

Another Divine Sunset across the Pool

What our previous guests have said